
Monday, January 31, 2011

Five Worst Snow Cities in America.

Thanks to the massive snow storm blowing through the Midwest, it reminded me even more how much snow sucks. It makes it hard to drive, it's cold, and after it's been on the ground for a few hours, it looks like poop. Due to Hollywood making snow seem awesome, everyone who has never experienced it before puts "seeing snow in person" on their bucket list. Seriously? I know I've been in Illinois my whole life, so I've had the "pleasure" of seeing snow every year, but in no way, shape or form can you say "Well, for someone from Florida, seeing snow would be like you seeing a beach or a palm tree!". Ummmm...nope. Beaches and palm trees rule, snow just fails. When you think of a beach or a palm tree, you immediately think of sunny weather, warm temperatures, and scantly clad women (sorry E, it's the truth!). When you think of snow, you immediately think of overcast skies, freezing temperatures, and overly clothed women. Which one sounds better to you? Exactly.

So if you're anything like me, you would be smart to avoid these five cities when it comes around to Winter. (Stats according to

1. Syracuse, New York. 2010-2011 snowfall rate: 114.4 inches

2. South Bend, Indiana. 2010-2011 snowfall rate: 78.4 inches

3. Rochester, New York. 2010-2011 snowfall rate: 77.1 inches

4. Hartford, Connecticut. 2010-2011 snowfall rate: 71.1 inches

5. Buffalo, New York. 2010-2011 snowfall rate: 62.6 inches

Reading those stats and seeing those pictures make me throw up a little in my mouth..Maybe some of the snow outside would help clean the taste out. I mean, there IS plenty of it..



    Two things:

    1) Aren't you glad you don't have Facebook anymore to see status' like "OMGGGggGGGGG N0o0o0o0o0 SCH00lSSZzsZ!!!!" OVER AND OVER?!?

    2) PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: Let's get out of this dreadful place and move to Arizona. PLEASE!?!

  2. Thank. You,

    1) Haha, to tell you the truth, I actually forgot about those statuses!

    2) That'd be chill. Or should I say, warm?

  3. Having lived in Rochester for 20 years, 71 inches of snow is a light year.
