
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

45 Hours.

All day I've been working on a YouTube video for one of my channels. After all the editing and exporting, it was finally ready to upload. After it began to upload, it gave an estimated time remaining (ETR) on how long it would take video to upload. Now, I've uploaded many videos to YouTube before, and the longest ETR I've seen for one of my videos was 10 hours (it took about 5 to upload). Do you want to guess what the ETR said for this specific video? Go ahead, I'll wait while you make your guesses..

*humming to myself*
*twidling my thumbs*

Done? Okay, the ETR for this particular video was....2703 minutes (or 45.05 hours). Holy crap. It got me thinking of all the awesome places you could go to from Normal, IL in 45 hours. Here are a few.

    • You could drive to Los Angeles, CA, and still have 15.8 hours to go sight-seeing. 

    • You would be able to drive to Orlando, FL and back, and still have over 10.5 hours to unpack.

    • You could drive down to Mexico City, and have 11 hours to find a place to hide from drug cartels.  

    • You would be able to go to Edmonton, AB (Canada) by car, and still have 17 hours to learn how to play hockey.

    Basically, you could do A LOT in 45 hours! Probably not as fun as uploading a video to YouTube though...